Monday, January 22, 2024

古鲁纳纳克·德夫吉冥想:实现内心宁静的修行之道 , Guru Nanak Dev Ji Meditation, The Path to Inner Tranquility





找到安静的场所: 选择一个安静、幽静的地方,远离干扰和噪音。

坐姿准备: 采用舒适的坐姿,可以是莲花坐、半莲花坐或椅子坐姿。保持身体挺直,头部微微前倾。

深呼吸: 开始通过深呼吸来放松身体和心灵。慢慢地吸气,再慢慢地呼气,专注于呼吸的感觉。

诵经(纳姆): 开始诵经,可以选择古鲁纳纳克·德夫吉的经文或其他锡克教经文。诵经的目的是加强对神的记忆。

内在观察: 将注意力引向内在,观察内心的感受、思维和情绪,但不要与之产生attachment。

与神的对话: 在冥想的过程中,建立一种与神的对话,表达内心的感激、疑问或祈祷。

持续冥想时间: 慢慢地延长冥想的时间,开始可以选择短暂的时间,逐渐增加到更长的持续时间。

结束冥想: 缓慢地结束冥想,深呼吸几次,慢慢地睁开双眼。


内心宁静: 冥想有助于实现内心的平静,使冥想者能够远离外部干扰,聚焦内在。

与神的合一: 冥想是与神建立联系的一种方式,加深灵性体验,感受与神的合一。

觉悟的提升: 通过深度冥想,个体能够提升觉悟,对生命的深层意义有更深刻的体悟。



Guru Nanak Dev Ji Meditation: The Path to Inner Tranquility

Introduction to Guru Nanak Dev Ji Meditation:

Guru Nanak Dev Ji's meditation is a practice within the Sikh tradition aimed at achieving inner peace, oneness with the divine, and a heightened state of awareness.

Steps of Guru Nanak Dev Ji Meditation:

Find a Quiet Place: Choose a serene and quiet location away from distractions and noise.

Prepare Sitting Posture: Adopt a comfortable sitting posture, such as the lotus position, half-lotus position, or sitting on a chair. Maintain an upright posture with a slight forward tilt of the head.

Deep Breathing: Begin by relaxing the body and mind through deep breathing. Inhale slowly, exhale slowly, and focus on the sensation of breathing.

Recitation (Naam): Commence reciting scriptures, choosing passages from Guru Nanak Dev Ji's writings or other Sikh scriptures. The purpose of recitation is to strengthen the remembrance of the divine.

Internal Observation: Shift your attention inward, observing the sensations, thoughts, and emotions within. Maintain a non-attached awareness.

Dialogue with the Divine: Engage in a dialogue with the divine during meditation, expressing gratitude, questions, or prayers from the depths of your heart.

Extended Meditation Time: Gradually extend the duration of meditation, starting with shorter periods and progressively increasing to longer durations.

Conclude Meditation:
Slowly conclude the meditation, take a few deep breaths, and gently open your eyes.

Significance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji Meditation:

Inner Tranquility: Meditation aids in achieving inner peace, allowing practitioners to detach from external disturbances and focus inward.

Oneness with the Divine: Meditation serves as a means to establish a connection with the divine, deepening spiritual experiences and experiencing unity with the divine.

Elevated Awareness: Through deep meditation, individuals can elevate their awareness, gaining a profound understanding of the deeper meanings of life.


Guru Nanak Dev Ji's meditation is a powerful spiritual practice that guides individuals towards inner peace and unity with the divine. By following the outlined steps in meditation, individuals can experience profound internal transformations and gain a higher-dimensional understanding of life.

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