Monday, January 22, 2024

梅拉·拜:印度的神秘女性 , Meera Bai: The Indian Mystic MEERA BAI ,





对克里须那的虔诚: 梅拉·拜的修行以对克里须那的坚定虔诚为中心。她将克里须那视为神圣的爱侣,她的一生都是对他强烈的爱和渴望的旅程。

舍弃世俗执念: 梅拉的虔诚导致她舍弃了世俗的执念和社会规范。她对克里须那的爱超越了家庭和社会的期望,常常遭受批评和挑战。



虔诚的象征: 梅拉·拜被尊崇为对神圣之爱和坚定虔诚的象征。她的一生展示了对神的纯粹爱的奉献,超越了社会规范。

: 梅拉的宗教作品在印度文化和精神遗产上留下了深远的影响。她的诗歌继续激发着数百万人,她的bhajans在印度的宗教聚会中被广泛传颂。

精神韧性: 梅拉·拜的生平故事反映了在社会面前展现出的精神韧性。尽管遭受反对,她对克里须那的不动摇虔诚成为寻求者在精神之路上的榜样。


爱与投降: 梅拉的主要教导围绕着对神的爱和对神的完全投降的力量。她强调真正的灵性在于对神的无私爱和对神旨意的完全投降。

bhakti瑜伽: 梅拉·拜的修行与bhakti瑜伽(虔诚之道)一致。她的bhajans和诗歌是修行者通过表达对神的虔诚之爱与神连接的一种方式。

默念神圣之名: 梅拉的冥想包括默念和歌唱克里须那的神圣之名。这些神圣的名字的重复,被称为“Naam Japa”,是她沉浸于神圣意识的一种方式。



Meera Bai: The Indian Mystic

Introduction to Meera Bai:

Meera Bai, also known as Meera, was a 16th-century Hindu mystic and poetess from Rajasthan, India. She is widely celebrated for her devotional songs and poems expressing intense love and devotion to Lord Krishna.

Path of Meera:

Devotion to Lord Krishna: Meera Bai's path was centered around unwavering devotion to Lord Krishna. She considered Krishna not just as a deity but as the Divine Beloved, and her life was a journey of intense love and longing for Him.

Renunciation of Worldly Attachments: Meera's devotion led her to renounce worldly attachments and societal norms. Her love for Krishna surpassed familial and societal expectations, often leading to criticism and challenges.

Expressing Devotion through Poetry:
Meera Bai expressed her deep devotion and spiritual experiences through devotional poetry and songs known as "bhajans." These compositions were a heartfelt expression of her love, surrender, and yearning for union with Krishna.

Why Meera is Important:

Symbol of Devotion: Meera Bai is revered as a symbol of divine love and unwavering devotion. Her life exemplifies the idea of surrendering to the divine with pure love, transcending societal norms.

Cultural Legacy: Meera's devotional compositions have left an indelible mark on Indian cultural and spiritual heritage. Her poetry continues to inspire millions, and her bhajans are sung in devotional gatherings across India.

Spiritual Resilience: Meera Bai's life story reflects spiritual resilience in the face of societal challenges. Her unwavering devotion to Krishna, despite opposition, serves as an inspiration for seekers on the spiritual path.

Teachings and Meditation of Meera:

Love and Surrender: Meera's primary teaching revolves around the power of love and surrender to the divine. She emphasized that true spirituality lies in selfless love for the Divine and complete surrender to the will of God.

Bhakti Yoga: Meera Bai's path is aligned with Bhakti Yoga, the path of devotion. Her bhajans and poems serve as a means for practitioners to connect with the divine through the devotional expression of love.

Meditation on the Divine Name: Meera's meditation involved chanting and singing the divine names of Lord Krishna. The repetition of these sacred names, known as "Naam Japa," was a way for her to immerse herself in the divine consciousness.


Meera Bai's life and teachings continue to inspire spiritual seekers to cultivate deep devotion, love, and surrender to the divine. Through her poetry and devotion to Lord Krishna, she has become a timeless symbol of spiritual love, leaving a lasting legacy in the spiritual landscape of India.

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